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of Denver, Colorado
The Colorado Club for Active Seniors
HomeEventsSSC Valentine's Day Happy Hour

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SSC Valentine's Day Happy Hour

Date and Time

Friday, February 14, 2025, 4:30 PM until 8:00 PM


The Great Divide/Lone Tree
9977 Sky Ridge Avenue
Lone Tree, CO  80124

Event Contact(s)

Dee Spickler
303-456-4695 (p)
303-522-5553 (c)



Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Cancellation Policy:
IMPORTANT: After registering should you decide to cancel, IMMEDIATELY Contact:; 303-456-4695, so that I may add someone from the waitlist to take your place! We must provide an accurate count the day before so management can provide enough food servers.
(No "No-shows" please!)


18 Total Slots
Event is full

About this event

Recommended by Betsy Schutte, this a fabulous, elegant brewery and restaurant located in the heart of Lone Tree (just behind the Schwab Building and customer parking building). Huge place inside.